


4つの「ん」 / Four んs in Japanese

The compliment from J-Girl got me so excited, that I'll just keep going and writing. It's always nice to have supports from the viewers like you. This time, I'll write about Japanese 'ん'. Well, it's kind of off-topic from what iKnow is tr…

Podcast: Manager Tools / 「管理職の心得」

This is one of my favorite poscasts. It will give you a bunch of tips for management.http://www.manager-tools.com/In this podcast, Mark Horstman and Michael Auzenne another speaker (forgot his name) will have a talk on a certain topic. As …



New Year's Resolution / 新年の抱負

Well, actually, it's almost same as the last year, I shouldn't really call it a 'New Year' resolution, though."Be professional" Especially, I would like to Share with what I learned/will learn. Always think about how my presentation will b…