


お題目: What gets you excited about XYZ? をどう和訳しますか? / How do you translate it in Japanese?

This phrase was actually used by the director of Software Engineering Department of my company. In his presentation, he used it as "Somebody asked me what gets me excited about XYZ." where XYZ is the name of my company.Although I can easil…

What are you sinking about?

Too much text! Just sit back and relax with my favorite youtube clip (Thanks Dave!). 文字ばかりでもなんなので、同僚に教えてもらったyoutubeのヒット作をどうぞ。 Enjoy!

That said / というわけで

English version is coming soon... ======初めてこれを聞いたときはのけぞったものだが、いろいろなバリエーションを聞くにつれ成り立ちやどういうふうに使うのかが分かってきた。ビジネスシーンでは(それ以外でも)かなりよく聞く言葉。(少なくともうち…

the second best / 次善の策

English version is coming soon... ======矛盾だよねえ、これって。bestって最上級なんでしょ、最上級って言ったらトップだよ。 英語って本当にへんてこりんです。だって、This is one of the best steaks I've ever had. (これは今まで食べたステーキの中…

Ace (Follow-up・訂正)

[はじめに]「直感に基づく論理思考」で生きているkiyosudoでございます。前回のaceに関するエントリのコメントにてJ-Girlさんより、"Why did the lecturer use (the word 'ace' in) the present tense?"という質問をいただきました。その回答の中で、私、大き…

think aloud / 独り言を言う

Oh, I see. This means 'to say something to oneself'. I didn't know that. Because the only situation I heard somebody say 'think aloud' is something like this.somebody: @#$!@)(&)@#$*)@#($#kiyosudo: I don't really know what you are talking a…

Ace (Cont.)

前のエントリを書きながら辞書のaceの他の意味を眺めていたら、どうしても「ざくざく切る」というイメージから離れられなくなった。車を運転しながらなんだろうと考えてみたら、、、 ドラクエの「かいしんのいちげき」だった。

gist / 要点

Why we don't have this item in iKnow?Here is a list of examples from the definition in 英辞郎.gist of a claim gist of a question gist of a speech gist of the story catch the gistAs you may see, in most cases, you can replace 'gist' with 'p…

Ace / 試験でAを取る

According to ALC's Eijiro dictionary, the word 'ace' can be used as a verb meaning "to get A in an exam".To be honest, I haven't heard somebody including myself use the word (probably because there were not so many people around me who 'go…

(笑いの)つぼにはまる/hit my spot

To reply to yasuyo-san's comment in my previous post, I wanted to say "warai-no tubo-ni hamatta", which (well, roughly) means 'something was so funny that I cannot help keep laughing'.What I came up with was 'to hit (perfectly) somebody's …

I couldn't help.../どうしても、、、

"Steel is a durable metal."Ever since I came across this sentence in the TOEIC dictation, I couldn't help recognize this as "Steel is adorable metal." and imagine an I-beam with some cute eyes and mouth. :) Please use plural after 'durable…