


NYで韓国生活 / My Evil Korean Twin

Hi, everyone. This is a belated introduction of my Evil Korean Twin. I'm rather lazy today so I just jot down only my spec here.[Spec] At least within three or four generations back, there is no one who lived in Korean in my family tree. M…


I'll think about how I could translate this into English... ======ハングルを使わないえせ韓国語講座、なぜiKnowでやるんだ、私?「〜せよ、〜しらごよ」 (おばちゃん言葉風に)〜の部分には同じ動詞の原型語幹が入る。意味は「〜してくださいよ、〜して…

韓国語講座 / Learn Korean

I got a request for giving a lecture for Korean language from MST102-san. So, though embarassing, I decided to let you guys know the URL of my old diary.http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kiyosudo/archive?word=%2a%5bkorean%5d (Japanese only)After I rea…