



リクエストまで受けたことだし、久しぶりにえらそうなことでも書いてみようかと思う。 留学自体によるメリットは確かにある 目的が何であるにしろ、留学することは悪くないんじゃないのって思うよ。いや、思うようになったか。 まあ、よく言われることだけど…

回答: あなたの英語学習の理由・動機は何ですか? / Why are you studying English?


あなたの英語学習方法を教えてください / How do you study English?

Thanks for all who responded to my last call. I'll compile your answers and post it here tomorrow (please let me know if you don't want). Now, I got another question from mokomonn-san.How do you study English?It would be great if you can s…

What are you sinking about?

Too much text! Just sit back and relax with my favorite youtube clip (Thanks Dave!). 文字ばかりでもなんなので、同僚に教えてもらったyoutubeのヒット作をどうぞ。 Enjoy!

あなたの英語学習の理由・動機は何ですか? / Why are you studying English?

A simple one but it actually has been my burning question since I wrote this entry. Why are you studying English?It would be great if you can share your thoughts with me either as a comment on this entry (hatena) or a comment at iKnow.Here…

質問: do you know any mp3 player software with bookmarks?

Although I might be able to find myself, I'll just ask you guys here.I encountered the situations where I wanted to put a sticky note while I was listening a mp3. Like the one in the image. The note should contain my comments and the time.…

Podcast: Manager Tools / 「管理職の心得」

This is one of my favorite poscasts. It will give you a bunch of tips for management.http://www.manager-tools.com/In this podcast, Mark Horstman and Michael Auzenne another speaker (forgot his name) will have a talk on a certain topic. As …

私がiKnowを始めたわけ / Why I started iKnow (Jpa-1)


私がiKnowを始めたわけ / Why I started iKnow (Jpa-2)


私がiKnowを始めたわけ / Why I started iKnow (Eng-1)

I have been debating in myself if I should write this entry because I thought it is too much based on my personal experience and doesn't apply to anyone else. However, giving a second thought, I thought it may make sense to show some (real…

私がiKnowを始めたわけ / Why I started iKnow (Eng-2)

Now, the main topic.So, if you learn a new field from scratch in English, you will learn all the terminologies and contents in English, of course. As it often happens in students who study abroad, if you don't spend extra effort to learn t…

slowing down a little bit

By the way, one thing I want iKnow to implement in user search capability is to find users who are similar in terms of study progress. The current user search is not useful if you don't know who to look for in advance...

finished one iKnow part of course!

This is very addictive... I did 30 sessions today and finally finished one part of course. Clap, clap, clap...