



  • 日本語 ... 頭に思い付いたこと(ことばではない状態、imageなど)をぱっと書き起こす。
  • 英語 ... 最近分かったことだが(遅い)、日本語を英語に翻訳しようとするといろいろ捕捉しないと英語として意味が通らないことが多々ある。英語に訳しながら通りの良い順序(内容的にも)を探すと言うのはできた日本語も通りが(それなりに)良くなるのだろう。ということは、元の日本語は意味が通らなかったり、一人よがりだったりする、、、わけだ。
  • Japanese: for the initial write-up (from non-verbal thought, or mental image, etc.)
  • English: I noticed recently that, when I try to translate Japanese sentences into English, I often need to add up to English translation the things that are not mentioned in the original Japanese sentences. While translating into English, I also need to find the way to structure a clear English sentence (even in a content-wise way). If I restructure the original Japanese sentences in such a way that the English translation sounds clear, the restructured Japanese sentences will become clear, as well. That means, my original Japanese original sentences are NOT clear themselves...


Basically, I think my thinking system runs in Japanese. Many times, some ideas stay just in non-verbal form.