



We just got through one of our concerns, purchasing an apartment.

closingと呼ばれる最終段階で売り手、買い手(我々)、それぞれの弁護士、それぞれのローンを組んでいる銀行の弁護士が一ヶ所に集まり、(談笑しながら)手だけはひたすら動かし、サインし続けるのである。このマンション購入の一件で我々はかなり疑心暗鬼になっていたので、小切手が12枚必要だと言われれば24枚、photo IDも2つずつ持って行った。

At the final stage, closing, the seller, the buyer(us), the attorneys of each side, and the attorneys of the bank for morgage got all together in one room. We had a table talk which all the hands are working hard on signing the paperworks. We got so sceptical while going through the whole procedure of purchasing this apartment (delays of paperworks, and claims...) that we brought the whole checkbook with 24 checks if they need only 12. We even brought two photo IDs for each of us.

場所は売り手側の弁護士の事務所(この弁護士はマンションの弁護士も兼ねている)、姫の韓国風時間に合わせると遅刻は間違いないので、私の日本風時間で午前10時と言われれば10分前に事務所を訪ねる。当然、一番乗りであった。(いや、売り手の弁護士が先か。。。) 続いて売り手夫婦、5分前に登場。奥さんは先週出産してずいぶん身軽そうだ。ご主人お疲れ気味(引越しで)。そしてしばらく世間話をしているところで売り手側弁護士の秘書より連絡。

The place for closing was the attorney's office for the seller. (He is also an attorney for the co-op.) Since I knew we would be late if we follow the *Korean* time of Princess, we decided to follow my *Japanese* time. So, we got to the office 10 minutes before the meeting time (10am). Of course, we got the first place! (except the attorney of the seller, of course...) Then, the married couple of seller appeared 5 minutes before the meeting time. The wife just got a baby last week, so she seems much lighter now. But the husband seems tired for moving. While we were chatting, the secretary of the office told us,

  • 我々のローンを組んでいる銀行の弁護士が道に迷っている。
  • 我々の弁護士は、友人の葬式に急拠出席。9:15分からなのでclosingには間に合うだろうとのこと。
  • Our bank attorney got lost way.
  • Our attorney had to attend his friend's funeral which started at 9:15. He called the secretary he would make the closing meeting.


Oh, boy. So, we started complaining about how slow our paperworks goes with him. Meanwhile, the bank attorney for the seller came in almost on time.


Then, our attroney showed up 5 minutes late. Such a good job for him!!!



Well, we just decided to start working instead of waiting the poor lost bank attorney for us.


Our attorney kept explaining various paperworks and we kept signing them after his explanation. On the other side of the table, the seller couple was also doing the same. Finally, we got our bank attorney who was late for 15 minutes and kept doing the paperworks.


1 hour

そして、ついに鍵を手に入れた! これでマンションは我々のものになったぞ。

Finally, we got a key! Now, we own the apartment!!


Oh, boy...