

philosophical discussion

I had a tough discussion with Mr. xxx about human language. He tried to make a point that "Since human language is a result of human being, the *ONLY* way for a computer to achieve to understand language (both in recognition and production) is to mimick the process by human brain." One of the hardest points to agree with is his transition from "Language is only produced by human being" to "Therefore, language can be acieved only by the human brain's process."

I believe in the philosophy of generative grammar in linguistics; which states that human brain has some core of language grammar (called universal grammar) in its structure and human's acquiring a (particular) language is merely an adjusting process of the parameters of the core grammar into the language he/she is exposed to.

... (To be discussed more here) ...

In some sense, any machine learning algorithms are similar to how the human brain processes, even though some (most?) of the learning algorithms are based purely on mathematic theory.

... (To be continued) ...