

あなたの英語学習方法を教えてください / How do you study English?

Thanks for all who responded to my last call. I'll compile your answers and post it here tomorrow (please let me know if you don't want). Now, I got another question from mokomonn-san.

How do you study English?

It would be great if you can share your thoughts by comment (hatena or iKnow) or message. As I will for my previous question, I'll compile your answers and post it. Please let me know if you don't want to be included.

Thank you in advance.

Here is mine.

Past: I had to take ELP courses (reading, writing, speaking, pronunciation) as a requirement of freshman in college. I took a similar ESL course at UCB summer school.
Present: Not really. I look up unknown words and/or terminology when I encounter them while studying something. I try to read newspapers, but it doesn't really happen...





前回と同じく、コメント(hatena, iKnow)やメッセージにてお願いします。後日、皆さんからの回答をまとめてエントリにてアップします。「それはやめてくれ」という方はお知らせください。



過去: 大学で必須だったELP(reading, writing, speaking, pronunciation)。UCB Summer SchoolでのESL
現在: 特にこれといったことはしていない。何かを勉強しなければいけないときに知らない単語・用語が出てきたら調べることくらいはするけど。新聞を読もうとはしているがなかなか読めない。