

お題目: What gets you excited about XYZ? をどう和訳しますか? / How do you translate it in Japanese?

This phrase was actually used by the director of Software Engineering Department of my company. In his presentation, he used it as

"Somebody asked me what gets me excited about XYZ." where XYZ is the name of my company.

Although I can easily get a visual image of his excitement (e.g. his shining eyes, his heated forehead and the way he talks), I have a little hard time when I translate it into Japanese.

"I got excited about it." can be simply translated into 私は興奮した, but it seems to reflect my visual image more if I say すげーーーーーーーーーっっっっって思った. So, here is the question for you. How do you translate this into Japanese?

What gets you excited about XYZ?

Please give your answer in hatena or iKnow comment.

(For iKnow users, as usual, I will collect and post your answers in another entry of my diary. Please let me know if you don't want to be included.)




"Somebody asked me what gets me excited about XYZ."

で、XYZにはうちの会社の名前が入ります。この get excitedってビジュアルなイメージ*1はばりばり浮かべられるのに、いざ日本語でというとどう言おうか迷ってしまいます。

"I got excited about it."


"What gets you excited about XYZ?"




