


Scannable Entries/読みやすいエントリ

Some people dont' like the fact that people are encouraged here to write a diary in English. Although I don't agree with them too much, I have to admit that I, too, have difficulty in quickly scanning entries written in English. As a nativ…


そういうことをすると一度に書く量が2倍になるんだっけ。他の日記でやろうとして挫折したのを忘れていたよ。進歩ないな。。。 ======That means I have to write twice amount. I tried it once in my other blog and finally gave up. I should've learned.…

One more thing/もう一つだけ

If you see English part first, that means I came up with the idea in English first and then translated into Japanese. If you see Japanese first, you know what that means. Well, I'll play around the style for a next few days/weeks, so it ma…

blog search/日記エントリの検索

I want to be able to search blog entires in iKnow, too. ======日記エントリが検索できるようになってほしいっすよ。