


NYで韓国生活 / My Evil Korean Twin

Hi, everyone. This is a belated introduction of my Evil Korean Twin. I'm rather lazy today so I just jot down only my spec here.[Spec] At least within three or four generations back, there is no one who lived in Korean in my family tree. M…

Ace (Follow-up・訂正)

[はじめに]「直感に基づく論理思考」で生きているkiyosudoでございます。前回のaceに関するエントリのコメントにてJ-Girlさんより、"Why did the lecturer use (the word 'ace' in) the present tense?"という質問をいただきました。その回答の中で、私、大き…

think aloud / 独り言を言う

Oh, I see. This means 'to say something to oneself'. I didn't know that. Because the only situation I heard somebody say 'think aloud' is something like this.somebody: @#$!@)(&)@#$*)@#($#kiyosudo: I don't really know what you are talking a…



Questionnaire / アンケートのお願い

All,I set up a questionnaire page to get some feedback from you in terms of the topics on my diary. I would appreciate very much if you can share a little bit of your time with me on the questionnaire. I'll write an entry to summarize the …