


さよなら考 / About SAYONARA (Eng)

I have been doing some research on the parting phrase in various languages, inspired by MST102-san's comment. In Japanese, we don't have much variation. We only have "Sayonara" and "Mata-ne *1. However, some languages have more than one gr…

さよなら考 / About SAYONARA

English version is coming soon... ======MST102さんのコメントをきっかけとして、別れの挨拶について考えてみました。日本語では「さよなら*1」とか「またね」とかあまりバリエーションがありませんが、他の言語を見るといくつかのバリエーションのパター…

中国語を学習するコツ / How to learn Chinese effciently

(例によってしゃれにならないくらい長くなってしまったので、英語版は後日アップします)J-Girlさんの超辛口日記には程遠いですが、、、自分の外国語学習の中でかなり成功した(と思う)ものについて書いてみることにしました。0. スペック 言語: 中国標準…

4つの「ん」 / Four んs in Japanese

The compliment from J-Girl got me so excited, that I'll just keep going and writing. It's always nice to have supports from the viewers like you. This time, I'll write about Japanese 'ん'. Well, it's kind of off-topic from what iKnow is tr…

Scannable Entries/読みやすいエントリ

Some people dont' like the fact that people are encouraged here to write a diary in English. Although I don't agree with them too much, I have to admit that I, too, have difficulty in quickly scanning entries written in English. As a nativ…