

Ace / 試験でAを取る

According to ALC's Eijiro dictionary, the word 'ace' can be used as a verb meaning "to get A in an exam".

To be honest, I haven't heard somebody including myself use the word (probably because there were not so many people around me who 'got A in any exam'. Yesterday, at the first class of my CFA prep course, the lecturer kept using the word 'ace' in the following context.

How do you study for CFA Exam?
You can study the curriculum from cover to cover and memorize every single detail.

And you're going to say like,

I ace aced Financial Statement Analysis.
I ace aced Economics.

No. You don't have time to cover all of the topics in great detail. You will get 100% in Economics and lose many easy points and you fail.

I guess you don't have to always use it in negative contexts. But if someone says (especially two days before the exam)

I ace Economics.

I may hate that guy.




I just learned that you cannot ace in present form with the meaning 'to get A on exam'. I'll post another entry for detail. I apologize for giving you a wrong answer, J-Gril, and all of you who may have been misled by this entry.


ALCの辞書によると、(「トラック競技のエース」などのように)「名手」という意味のある 'ace' が動詞として、「試験でAを取る」という意味があるそうです。


How do you study for CFA Exam?

You can study the curriculum from cover to cover and memorize every single detail.

And you're going to say like,

I ace aced Financial Statement Analysis.

I ace aced Economics.

No. You don't have time to cover all of the topics in great detail. You will get 100% in Economics and lose many easy points and you fail.


I'm sure I'm going to ace Economics.





方々で聞きまわった結果、ace を「試験でAを取る」という意味で現在形では使わないという結論に至りました。詳細につきましては次のエントリで報告いたします。J-Girlさんをはじめ、間違った使い方をお伝えしてしまい申し訳ありませんでした。