



One of the times of the day I can concentrate (at least I think) on working is from the night time to after midnight. From 10-11pm to 2-3am (when I finally get sleepy enough). I'm not totally a night-shift person since I can't work like this every night. However, there are many temptations to keep me from work.


Not only external environment, internal motivation certainly affects the efficiency of work. So, it is a *very* important skill to motivate myself for work, such as listening to a nice music and talking to myself in front of a mirror (do you?).



At the working environment for R&D (maybe for other sections, too), it is importannt to separate the task that can be done by myself and the task that needs a interaction with my co-workers. Most of the researchers in our group come in to their office only a half of a week. They come to NYU mainly to attend a group meeting or to discuss with their co-workers the results and/or problems from the work they have done. They work at home for the tasks that can be done by themselves.


This separation of two kinds of tasks, the energy to finish my tasks, and having more discussion with my co-workers about the result from my tasks; these are the challenges I need to face.
