

non-verbal thinking



Maybe, it is too strong to say that I think without language. But as id:Marichan said, it seems possible to responsively think without language, like evocation of images. Well, only if you consider this as thinking.


The point I tried to make was this situation. Using English dictionary, I came to learn an English word without a corresponding Japanese translation. But it is not an easy task to remember the definition of a word exactly as appears in the dictionary. As time passes by, I forget the verbal definition of a word, and what remains is the situation that connects to the meaning of the word, like images, smells and/or feelings.


For example, if I need to explain what "fireworks" measn without using a Japanese word "hanabi" (literal translation), what comes in mind is one of my real experiences (or mixtuare of experiences) of seeing fireworks. So, the definition I make is rather to describe my experience than to give a general one.


This image or feeling happens not only for word definitions, but also for ideas that instantaneously coming up in mind. These ideas are not "verbalized" before I verbally put a name or explanation to it. You might not want to call it a thinking in such a status.